St Johns Preschool
Preschool Room
St Johns Preschool
Preschool Room
The room is spacious and is divided into areas, including arts and crafts, messy activities, carpet group activities, cosy corner, construction and roleplay areas.
The Preschool room adapts activities, resources, and the environment to enable the children to become curious and confident successful learners. Each child is encouraged to have ‘a go’ and take part in activities, building the child’s confidence to take risks, ask questions and problem solve in a safe and secure environment.
The children love to explore our excellent outdoor space with a wide range of learning opportunities to explore.
We support children with their independence, building relationships and developing their communication skills. The children participate in group time activities and adult-led learning to progress them on to the next step of their development.
By the time our children leave the nursery, we aim for them to be happy, resilient, kind and caring, confident, and curious learners ready to start their new exciting chapter at school.
We support children develop numbers skills, recognise shapes, subitise and problem solve.
Children engage in lots of mark making opportunities to develop their writing skills.
We engage children in daily story times and provide access to a wide range of books. Phonics are introduced in preschool with the key focus being the sounds that letters make.
We have a wide variety of creative opportunities including arts and crafts, messy play, musical instruments and adult led art projects.
We support children develop numbers skills, recognise shapes, subitise and problem solve.
Children engage in lots of mark making opportunities to develop their writing skills.
We engage children in daily story times and provide access to a wide range of books. Phonics are introduced in preschool with the key focus being the sounds that letters make.
We have a wide variety of creative opportunities including arts and crafts, messy play, musical instruments and adult led art projects.